The maximum amount per deposit is Fr. 9'000. You can find more information in the terms.
On the phone account you get 3% annual interest if the account balance is at least Fr. 100 once a year.
When it’s urgent around the clock: Bitcoin payment
BTC Address: bc1q6utt76v6wl77c3p7r2ed30zy54rmx2fmrux6jn
BTC (QR-Code)
For a bank payment to PostFinance AG, please use the following details:
IBAN: CH39 0900 0000 6068 8169 0
PostFinance AG, 3030 Bern
Telephoenix AG, 6376 Emmetten, Switzerland
Please include the OpusTel phone number as the payment reference!
IBAN: CH57 0070 0114 8000 7766 2
Zürcher Kantonalbank, 8010 Zürich
Telephoenix AG, 6376 Emmetten
Please indicate the OpusTel phone number as payment reason!
IBAN: DE23 6805 0101 0013 5355 93
Telephoenix AG, CH 6376 Emmetten, Schweiz (Switzerland)
Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau, Deutschland
(SWIFT): FRSPDE66XXX, Bank-Leitzahl: 680 501 01
Please indicate the OpusTel phone number as payment reason!