OpusTelPro is the secure communication platform for organizations. Benefit from premium support services, SLA plans, and effortless APP distribution.
Options like "TOP-SECRET" AES-256 or company admin panel for internal billing is available on request.
OpusTel the swiss-based encrypted IP Phone app with swiss and international phone numbers are already in use worldwide. In different versions also specially tailored to the needs of business or government customers. Currently, millions of apps in very similar execution are based on 98% similar code as OpusTel in daily use (like OpusTelPro, Military Grade Encryption and other versions for carriers in other countries). Customer specific Apps with customer specific servers, hosted at customer sites, have currently delivery times of 1 to 6 months.
On the Swiss servers, running the OpusTel apps, more than 4,000,000 telephone calls are handled each month.
Please contact ul@opustel.ch or call 0041 44 738 61 11